Car Accident Lawyer You will get a return phone call not long after calling the insurance company to let them know you were in an auto accident. If you already hired a car accident lawyer, refer the adjuster to them. However, if you haven’t hired an attorney yet, and you need to talk to the adjuster, you must understand what the conversation is all about. Remember, the insurance company isn’t there for you. The insurance… read more →
Getting into a car accident is incredibly jarring, but it is even worse if you are injured from it. It is important to take certain steps to protect yourself after being in an accident. Pull Over to Safety The first step you must take after being in an accident is to make sure you and everyone else involved in the crash can get out of harm’s way. If you are able to document the scene… read more →
Nursing Home Lawyer Seniors in nursing homes are placed there to be safe, but even the safest nursing home may be prone to neglect, carelessness and accidents. Falling is practically a guaranteed part of life, and nursing home staff should have plans in place to try to prevent falls, or plants in place to deal with falls when they happen. Top Safety Concerns for Seniors Everyone ages, sometimes gracefully, other times ungracefully. People’s memory can… read more →
Hopefully this never happens to you, but statistically, it’s one of those “not if but when“ situations. At some point in your life, you will likely be involved in an automobile accident caused by another driver’s negligence or fault. If this happens to you, and you were injured, you really should hire a good injury lawyer. Although there is no requirement that you hire a lawyer to represent you after an accident, for a number… read more →
Personal Injury Lawyer Traffic court is a stressful situation, especially if you have never been there before. There can be a lot at stake, which can affect your nerves. In this heightened emotional state, it can be easy to make mistakes when appearing before the judge. However, such mistakes can cost you dearly. Contesting a traffic ticket is not easy, even under the best of circumstances. However, you may be able to improve your chances… read more →