Filing the Accident Report After a Workplace Injury After being injured at work, you are generally entitled to workers’ compensation. Most injured employees are great at reporting their accidents because they want to move ahead with the claim, and most employers are great at filling the report because they want to get the incident over with. Unfortunately, there are some times when employers put up a fuss and either refuse or forget to get the… read more →
Wrongful Death Case About 30,000 passenger car occupants die in traffic accidents each year. That is an average of more than 576 deaths each week. Car occupants who die because another driver was negligent have suffered a wrongful death. The law permits certain family members or the victim’s estate to seek wrongful death compensation. The time for bringing a wrongful death lawsuit is governed by a strict law known as a statute of limitations. Family… read more →
A school bus driver in New Orleans who caused a crash that injured nine students did not have the proper permit to operate a bus, reports Fox 8 News ( The accident, which occurred in the early morning of December 18 on Interstate 10 near the High Rise bridge, resulted in the bus being overturned and the diversion of traffic to surrounding streets. At the time, the driver and 15 students from a local school… read more →
Owing money you can’t afford to pay back is not a situation anyone wants to find themselves in. Nevertheless, it is a growing trend. With credit being easy to obtain and income not necessarily increasing, many may become trapped by bills, collectors, and stress. In these situations, should you file bankruptcy? There may be some pros and cons to the process, but overall, if you qualify for doing so under the laws of your state… read more →
Car accidents are governed by the law of Torts. Under Tort law, in order to prevail on a claim, a Plaintiff must prove the following four things: 1) Duty; 2) Breach 3) Causation; and 4) Damages. With respect to duty, there are many ways to establish this. First and foremost, most states have laws that establish various duties for different circumstances. For example, all states have laws against driving in excess of the posted speed… read more →