Protecting Your Loved One From Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Putting parents and other relatives in a nursing home is often the best choice for everyone. But no matter where our older loved ones live, we still care about them greatly – and the treatment they receive when they’re out of sight is a serious concern. As a nursing home abuse lawyer in Kansas City, MO from a firm like Royce Injury Attorneys LLC can explain, some staff members at elder care facilities have hurt patients, both physically and emotionally. Here are a few steps worth taking to make sure that the person you love is being cared for appropriately.

Speak With the Nurses

Assess the level of treatment that’s being administered by chatting with those who look after your family member. There is usually one nurse in charge of each patient. Inform the individual responsible for your loved one that you’ll be calling once a week with a request for updates. Before dialing, compile a list of relevant questions. Also, don’t forget to occasionally check in with your relative’s physician, as well as the center’s director.

Get Copies of the Nurses’ Notes

Nurses are expected to write down information regarding those they care for. Examining these records sometimes reveals red flags that require action. For instance, evidence of rapid weight loss might be an indication of a health condition that requires immediate treatment. Fluctuating medication could be a sign of a nursing error that may have drastic consequences. If there is evidence that the patient is experiencing a change in mental awareness, the resident’s cognitive abilities need to be assessed. Bring these matters to the attention of the staff and doctors.

Talk With Your Relative About the Nurses

Speaking directly with your family member is the most important action you can take. Visit often and spend enough time chatting that he or she loosens up enough to feel comfortable divulging difficult matters. If you are unable to physically get to the location, call or video chat regularly.

Asking pertinent questions goes a long way toward revealing how someone is being treated. A few worth posing include:

  • How are you feeling?
  • Are you being fed?
  • When was the last time you were taken to the bathroom? 
  • Have you fallen?

Legally speaking, you do not have the right to enter a nursing facility, although they may let you. If you are denied access to your relative, contact a nursing home lawyer to help extract information about the individual in question. 

By following these actions, you may begin to suspect that unethical treatment is occurring. A lawsuit is often the proper response. Get in touch with a nursing home attorney the moment you believe abuse is happening.