Hypoxia Attorney Longwood, FL 
A lack of oxygen to the brain that has resulted from medical negligence will undoubtedly call upon the skills that a hypoxia attorney Longwood, FL victims trust can provide. Hypoxia can occur in anyone, affecting adults and even newborn babies. The result can be devastating and can result in long term consequences and, in some cases, can be fatal. At David & Philpot, P.L., we know that the damaging impacts most certainly call for our services. Not only can we assist in answering the many questions you have, but also provide you with the legal representation that you deserve.
What is brain hypoxia?
Oxygen is critical to ensure that the brain can properly function. While there are several ways that this may occur, the impact can be substantial. Brain hypoxia can cause dizziness, memory loss, difficulty paying attention, coma, seizures, and even death. In some cases, such situations may result from medical malpractice, especially when a medical professional fails to diagnose a condition. Fetal distress is one of the most common reasons for brain hypoxia, resulting in medical malpractice. When a medical professional does not respond appropriately, the results can be disastrous, even fatal.
How does brain hypoxia occur in newborns?
While hypoxia can undoubtedly occur in adults, hypoxia in newborns is one of the most common reasons to consider medical malpractice. Hypoxia in a baby can occur before, during, or after delivery. When considering hypoxia in a newborn, it can result from anesthesia complications, surgical errors, or improper monitoring. Our Longwood, FL hypoxia attorney shares that, as a result, your family will be left to face the consequences. A newborn may suffer from damage that requires long term care that may last a lifetime.
What is medical malpractice?
When a medical practitioner or provider does not uphold the medical standard of care, and damages or injuries result, medical malpractice may be at play. This occurs when a provider is negligent. Unfortunately, this can result in severe consequences for patients that result in long term consequences. Medical malpractice cases can be complicated, so seeking an experienced lawyer’s assistance will be critical.
What should I do if I suspect medical malpractice?
If you suspect medical malpractice, your next step should be to reach an experienced legal professional. Making sense of what went wrong can be challenging, which will undoubtedly require a medical expert witness’s guidance. Because we have such resources at our disposal, working with a lawyer will be vital in proving your case and obtaining maximum compensation.
Why do I need to contact a lawyer with experience in this area of practice?
Amidst the pain and grief victims and their families may be contending with, it can be challenging to consider the appropriate legal steps. While a lawyer will be necessary, one of the most critical steps is to find a lawyer with experience in managing malpractice cases. This can provide you with the best opportunity to obtain the guidance that you require.
When a medical professional has not upheld the medical standard of care, legal action will be necessary to ensure that you receive compensation for your losses. The reality you may be facing is devastating, and the road ahead will be full of trials and tribulations. Because of this, and the exorbitant medical expenses and recovery, you deserve to receive compensation. David & Philpot, P.L., provides a hypoxia attorney in Longwood, Florida, that you can trust; call us today for help.