For any victim of a personal injury such as a car accident, bad slip and fall, or bad burn, treatment for these injuries can be tough and long. Platelet rich plasma, also known as PRP, is a minor medical procedure that can effectively treat medical conditions including back pain, arthritis, tendonitis, muscle issues, hair loss, and more. Research into PRP therapy is ongoing; however, due to the successful outcomes of several previous studies conducted in… read more →
Brain Bleed Lawyer Trauma to the brain can result in serious and devastating injuries that can change a person’s life forever. Brain bleeding occurs when vessels in the brain are ruptured, causing blood to fill the brain. As a brain bleed lawyer like one from Davis & Brusca, LLC can tell you, the damages for a brain injury can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Victims may need medical treatment and care for the… read more →
Car Accident Lawyer Bicycles are fun, good exercise and a lot easier to park than a car. Sharing the road with much larger vehicles can be hazardous, though, and bike accidents are an unfortunate reality. As an experienced car accident lawyer from Hall-Justice Law Firm explains, if a motorist does hit you, you might hear very quickly from their insurance company with an offer to settle your claim before you’ve even had a chance to… read more →
Accident Fault When you’ve been in an accident, everything changes in the blink of an eye. You may suddenly find yourself in the hospital, off of work, and without a vehicle. The cost of your medical bills alone adds up quickly, and you may soon be wondering if the other driver is responsible for paying them. Here’s what to expect in this situation. File a Claim With Your Insurance Company After the accident, it’s essential… read more →
Personal Injury Lawsuits Against Businesses If you have been seriously injured on the property of a business, you may not know what to do. First, you should take care of yourself physically. Attending to your injuries is the most important task when you are hurt. Once you are physically and medically stable, you can begin evaluating options for filing a suit against the business that caused you harm. Keep reading for further information on steps… read more →