What Are Common Types of Brain Bleed Injuries?

Brain Bleed Lawyer

Trauma to the brain can result in serious and devastating injuries that can change a person’s life forever. Brain bleeding occurs when vessels in the brain are ruptured, causing blood to fill the brain. As a brain bleed lawyer like one from Davis & Brusca, LLC can tell you, the damages for a brain injury can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Victims may need medical treatment and care for the rest of their life. c are described below.

Car Accidents

Negligent drivers cause thousands of serious or fatal car accidents every year. Some of the injuries that victims often sustain from those accidents are traumatic brain injuries, such as brain bleeding. When a driver or passenger in a vehicle is struck by another driver, their head can strike the interior of the car, such as the head rest or steering wheel. This can cause blunt force trauma which can result in brain hemorrhaging.  

Pedestrian Accidents 

A pedestrian accident can result in injuries sustained when the pedestrian is struck and hits the pavement. Pedestrians often suffer serious injuries due to the sheer force of the vehicle when they are struck. Because there is nothing between a pedestrian and a car, the victim suffers the full impact. 

Slip and Falls

A slip and fall accident is another cause of brain bleed injuries. This is especially true for more vulnerable people, such as senior citizens and people with disabilities, who are more vulnerable to experiencing a serious injury. When a person trips or falls to the ground, they can strike their head, rupturing a blood vessel. 

Medical Malpractice

When a medical professional fails to provide sufficient care for a patient, a brain bleed injury can occur. In cases of medical malpractice, the actions of a doctor or other medical professional directly leads to the patient’s injury. Surgical errors, prescription errors and inadequate treatment can lead to a patient suffering a hemorrhagic stroke, which can lead to brain bleeding. 

Brain bleed injuries are especially serious because they can cause irreparable damage. The expenses for brain injuries can be costly, putting financial strain on victims. A lawyer understands how to effectively advocate for you and will seek no less than the maximum settlement amount. Learn more about how you can protect your rights and file a claim by contacting us now.