Owing money you can’t afford to pay back is not a situation anyone wants to find themselves in. Nevertheless, it is a growing trend. With credit being easy to obtain and income not necessarily increasing, many may become trapped by bills, collectors, and stress. In these situations, should you file bankruptcy? There may be some pros and cons to the process, but overall, if you qualify for doing so under the laws of your state… read more →
Car accidents are governed by the law of Torts. Under Tort law, in order to prevail on a claim, a Plaintiff must prove the following four things: 1) Duty; 2) Breach 3) Causation; and 4) Damages. With respect to duty, there are many ways to establish this. First and foremost, most states have laws that establish various duties for different circumstances. For example, all states have laws against driving in excess of the posted speed… read more →
Wrongful Death Lawsuits A wrongful death case is a lawsuit filed against a person or entity, such as a corporation, for causing death. The claim comes from the heirs of the person who died, known as the decedent. In the lawsuit, the heirs ask the court to find that some action or failure to act by the defendant caused death. If the court agrees, it can order the defendant to pay monetary damages of various… read more →
Frequently Asked Questions When Your Child has Obtained a Brain Injury There is nothing more emotionally painful than to watch your child suffer as a result of an accident that was caused by an at fault parity. For many, the idea of taking legal action can be daunting. However, if your child received a brain injury following an accident, you will be looking to obtain a lawyer so that they may review your case. Here… read more →
Personal Injury Attorney When someone is facing a personal injury case, he or she may wonder what the value is. You’ll want to know whether it’ll be worth the fight, but how can you know for sure? While you can’t determine the exact value, there are some aspects that play into most settlements. You and your lawyer can use those aspects to come up with an estimated settlement value. The following are some things to… read more →