Nursing home abuse and neglect occurs too often in the United States. If your loved one was subject to abuse or neglect, it could have been due to the understaffing of a care facility. A nursing home is required to have enough staff to properly care for the residents. When a nursing home is understaffed, it is a danger to the residents in the facility. Exhaustion and Mistakes An understaffed facility means that the caregivers… read more →
After a car accident, the last thing that you want to think about is whether your insurance rates are going to rise. There is a common misconception that if you file a claim, then your insurance rates might go up. This is not necessarily the case. In fact, there are several factors that determine whether your rates will go up. Here is what you need to know. Your Unique Policy When it comes to car… read more →
Personal injury claims can range in severity from mild to quite serious. If you were injured in an accident, you might be wondering what will go into the process of the insurance company determining a settlement. The following are a few things a claims adjuster will take a look at. The At-Fault Individual’s Story The at-fault party’s insurance company isn’t just going to take your word that their client was responsible for an accident… read more →
If you have recently found out that your loved one has been abused in a nursing home facility, you may be angry, confused, and have many questions about what happened. Perhaps you have addressed the facility only to be given excuses or ignored all together. In other cases you may be reassured that what happened will never happen again. Meanwhile, your loved one is emotionally distraught over the incident, and perhaps even in physical pain.… read more →
Personal Injury Lawyer Bankruptcy and the Automatic Stay When you file for bankruptcy, an automatic stay goes into place to stop creditors from pursuing collection activities against you. The stay applies to almost every kind of collection activity, including legal proceedings, wage garnishments, and contacts by mail or phone. If a collection attorney violates that stay and continues to pursue you, they may be breaking the law. Exceptions to the Bankruptcy Stay The stay has… read more →