If you have been involved in a car accident, call a car accident lawyer Lakeland, FL relies on for legal protection to receive the compensation you may deserve. Millions of people are involved in car crashes each year and many do not fight for proper compensation of their injuries. If you were in an accident because of someone else’s negligence, you should consider seeking legal council from a Lakeland car accident lawyer to explore your… read more →
As a car accident lawyer Lakeland, FL trusts can attest, car accident is a traumatic experience and can impact your life in more ways than you can imagine. One of the best things you can do right now is hire an experienced car accident lawyer from David & Philpot, PL. He or she will protect your rights and help your pursue the compensation you deserve. Here are seven ways a car accident can change your… read more →
In order to be awarded a claim, you must be able to prove the other party was negligent. It is important that all of the following factors are present in order to collect damages: Duty of Care: All drivers must uphold a duty of care to others on the road which is the obligation to drive safely and abide by traffic rules. Duty of care when a person is driving extends to drivers, bicyclists, and… read more →
An auto accident lawyer Lakeland, FL clients recommend, understands that no matter what type of car accident you are in, it can leave you worried and confused about what you should do next. Car accidents are stressful regardless if it was a head-on collision or a fender bender. If you have been in a car accident, you may want to have an auto accident attorney on your side. Have You Been a Passenger in a… read more →
While many clients of an auto accident lawyer Lakeland, FL trusts assume that airbags can’t be to blame for injury because they were created to protect and guard passengers inside of a car, airbags are actually responsible for a lot of common permanent and immobilizing injuries that are sustained in car accidents. Although they are rare, injuries associated with airbags mean that the victim has gone through a traumatic accident. When impact is severe enough,… read more →