Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Longwood FL
Malnutrition and Dehydration
One of the most common forms of Florida nursing home abuse handled by our attorneys, malnutrition and dehydration occurs when nursing home staff, acting through negligence or on purpose, neglects the nutritional needs of a resident. Often, the resident cannot assert their need for food or water, enabling the nursing home staff to exhibit this kind of negligence. Malnutrition and dehydration can lead to severe weight loss, kidney failure, and a host of other problems. If you live in Florida and a loved one has suffered this kind of nursing home abuse, our lawyers can help. Contact a Florida nursing home abuse lawyer to schedule a consultation.
Pressure Sores
Pressure sores can occur when a bedridden resident is not adequately turned. In cases of nursing home abuse, these can be signs of neglect. Pressure sores can be painful, and, if not adequately cared for, they can become infected and lead to more serious problems. If a loved one has pressure sores, they may be a victim of nursing home abuse. Contact a Florida nursing home abuse lawyer to see if you have a case against your nursing home.
Many times, a nursing home may be negligent in the maintenance of its facilities and in the proper service to its residents. Such negligence can lead to falls, which can cause broken bones and painful fractures – debilitating injuries to an elderly person. If a loved one has fallen in their nursing home in Florida, it may be due to some form of nursing home abuse, and a Florida nursing home abuse lawyer could help. We can help you to file a case against the nursing home and win financial compensation for medical bills and other problems associated with a fall. Contact our nursing home lawyers today.
Financial Exploitation
Another form of nursing home abuse occurs when the elderly are victimized by financial exploitation. Regardless of the cause, exploitation of our most venerable citizens should not be taken lightly. Especially because many of these people lack the means to defend themselves from such exploitation, the potential for financial loss and subsequent suffering is very large. If a loved one has been the victim of financial exploitation, especially at the hands of a nursing home employee, Florida law states that you may have a case for nursing home abuse or elderly abuse. A Florida nursing home abuse lawyer can provide information about your rights in the face of elderly exploitation.
Physical Abuse
Because of their physical dependence, nursing home residents are easy targets of physical abuse. This kind of maltreatment of the elderly is absolutely unacceptable, and deserves severe punishment to both the perpetrator and the nursing home that allowed abuse to occur. Physical abuse encompasses both sexual assault and any form of physical maltreatment. If you believe that a relative has been physically abused by a nursing home employee, don’t hesitate to seek representation from a Florida nursing home abuse lawyer. Report the abuse and remove the resident from the home. Then contact our Florida nursing home abuse lawyer to help you with your case.
Choking, by depriving oxygen to the brain, can cause brain damage, and even death. While such an injury may appear to be accidental, nursing homes can be held accountable. If the choking occurred because the patient was not properly monitored, it is the fault of the nursing home, and your loved one may have a nursing home abuse case. Contact our Florida nursing home abuse lawyer for more information if a loved one has been hurt through choking in a nursing home.
Medication Errors
Nursing home staff are responsible for seeing that residents receive the proper medication in a timely manner. If medication is not delivered correctly, there can be serious consequences to the health of a resident. In Florida, medication error on the part of the nursing home constitutes nursing home abuse, and our lawyers can help you file a case. If a loved one has been harmed due to medication, you may have a medical malpractice case. Contact our nursing home abuse attorneys to help you file a case for negligence on the part of the home.