Have you ever been driving around in traffic and passed a car accident? Or been stopped at a light and been rear ended or hit from the side? In addition to legal troubles, these types of car accidents happen every day and cause significant neck pain, low back pain, and muscle aches. What is Whiplash? Whiplash is one of the most common injuries associated with being in a car accident. In a whiplash injury your… read more →
Car Accident Lawyer Longwood, FL Victims of car accidents may walk away from the scene feeling dizzy, disoriented and perhaps even in agonizing pain. Those who have never been in a crash before, may not know how to handle things at the scene. It is important that a person keeps an eye out for potentially critical injuries that can arise later on after the accident. It is always recommended that a person seeks medical attention,… read more →
Auto Accident Lawyer Lakeland, FL When car accidents happen, it is fairly common for both drivers to suffer some sort of injury, whether mild or more serious. It is recommended that in any car accident where someone may be hurt, that law enforcement and an ambulance are called. An innocent driver may become victim to a car crash, because another driver was being reckless, distracted or otherwise negligent while behind the wheel. In the article… read more →
It is no secret that the trucking industry has been struggling with a shortage of truck drivers for more than 10 years, as a truck accident lawyer Trenton, NJ trusts knows all too well. While there have been fluctuations in the annualized shortage rates due, in part, to episodic softening in demand for service by the trucking industry, the problem has never really abated. And now, according to a 2017 study by the American Trucking… read more →
Nursing home lawyers know that preventable falls at nursing home facilities can result in serious injuries. This month, a 141-page report by the Department of Health outlined multiple deficiencies in care at a nursing home that resulted in the untimely death of H.R. McMaster, the father of former National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, Jr. This report outlined the series of events, including four falls within a 5 day period, which resulted in his death.… read more →