Truths That Insurance Adjusters Don’t Want You To Know

Car Accident Lawyer

Despite the commercials claiming that like a good neighbor, your insurance will be there, time and again people are proven otherwise. Insurance companies are a for-profit entity, and they are not hesitant to use money making strategies on their own policy holders too. Insurance adjusters in particular play a big role in how much a victim is awarded in their injury claim. Sadly, these adjusters are also profit-minded and don’t have your best of interest at heart. In fact, they are there to reduce or deny your claim to the fullest extent possible. 

Here are a few truths that insurance adjusters don’t want you to know:

They are not investigating for your behalf.

In the days after you report an accident to your insurance company, you will get a phone call from an insurance adjuster. It’s easy to assume that these people are working hard to investigate the situation. But, their main concern is the bottom line and would prefer to save on their end compared to yours.

They know the settlement offer is low.

If you received a speedy settlement offer from an insurance company, it’s fairly safe to assume that this amount represents only a fraction of what you are owed. Insurers know that people are often desperate for cash in the aftermath of a serious accident, especially when there was injury and damages. Be wary of an initial offer, and know that you have the option to negotiate. 

They will use your statements against you.

Insurance adjusters are trained to look out for statements or actions that could be twisted into showing that your injuries or losses are not that severe. The adjuster may use your words unjustly as admission of liability or not being consistent with the claim you made. Even the most friendly insurance adjuster is only focused on one thing, and that’s not paying you what you deserve.

As a Car Accident Lawyer would agree with, it’s important to understand what your options are in the aftermath of a serious accident. Before engaging in a conversation with an insurance adjuster, victims must remember the advice provided above.