Pursuing Compensation After a Truck Accident
Truck accidents are terrifying. They typically result in serious injuries or even death. If you have been involved in a truck accident, you may be experiencing severe pain, trauma, and financial hardship. Our Orlando, FL truck accident attorney will work to make sure you receive the compensation you deserve. We offer 24/7 live call answering, so speak with us today. Contact David & Philpot, PL to schedule a consultation.
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Truck accident cases can be very costly to pursue and to be properly investigated. You will need the accident to be properly investigated and to have that done you will need the necessary resources to handle the tasks involved, and a truck accident attorney could help provide you with the resources that are needed to ensure that the accident is properly investigated.
Hiring a truck accident attorney by your side will mean that someone with legal experience and skills will be available to you. If you have been in an accident you were most likely injured and having a hard time adjusting back to normal life after the accident. You probably have to return to your work schedule which means less time for you to focus on your legal claim.
How Our Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help You
An attorney will be able to focus their time and energy on your claim like investigating the accident, dealing with insurance companies, and the at-fault party. These are time-consuming tasks that you would otherwise put off or be tempted to accept whatever compensation or settlement that the at-fault offers. You do not want to do that, which is why having a lawyer spend their time fighting for your case and ensuring that you receive the best possible outcome would be extremely beneficial to you.
Not only is the process time-consuming, but victims of truck accidents can also be left confused, scared, and traumatized after an accident. The majority of accidents are caused by human error, mechanical failure, intoxication, or even the company’s own mistake in failing to maintain proper inspection standards on its vehicles.
Whatever the reason might be, an accident involving a semi, 18-wheeler, or any other commercial vehicle is a hard thing to overcome. Having a support system and confidence that you will be rewarded with what you rightly deserve to ensure that your life can return to normal and that any of your financial needs will be met. Having an injury whether it be physical or mental can become very expensive. And sometimes you might need to seek professional medical help for the rest of your life and that means you should receive compensation to pay for those types of expenses.
Finding justice for your injuries, losses, and property damage is crucial and we will be there to guide you through all of your legal options and provide you with any information that you are looking for to overcome this difficult time in your life.
Recovering From Your Truck Accident
Professional truck driving carries with it a unique set of risks. Among those risks is personal injury due to accidents. Following an accident, you may be wondering how you will ever recover. A truck accident attorney in Orlando, FL can help in many ways. Keep reading to learn more about recovering from this setback.
Legal Recovery
It will be imperative that you take the proper legal steps needed following a wreck. The legal team at David & Philpot Personal Injury Law is available to help you understand your rights in this situation. If you believe that your accident was a result of another driver’s negligence, or if you think your employer should be held responsible for certain aspects of the event, you will need legal advice on how to proceed.
Physical Recovery
In addition to seeking advice from a truck accident attorney, you will also want to be sure you seek out the medical assistance you need. You must follow your doctor’s instructions following your accident. Some accident injuries can have a lifelong effect on your health if left untreated.
You may be tempted to get back to work as quickly as possible, but remember, if you rush your recovery, you could sustain more serious injuries in the future, which would lead to more missed time at work. The best course of action is to place a priority on your health first.
Emotional Recovery
If you are experiencing emotional trauma following your accident, you will want to discuss this with your attorney. Vehicle accidents are often very unsettling emotionally. You will need to take time to process what happened. You should also be watchful for signs of mental health struggles following this event.
Mental health warning signs can include changes in sleep patterns (sleeping too much or not sleeping enough), changes in eating habits (eating too much or not eating enough), increased levels of anxiety, moodiness, depression, inability to focus, and inability to handle day-to-day tasks.
Professional Recovery
You will want to stay in good communication with your employer during this time. Even if you feel that your employer is somehow to blame, the lines of communication need to stay open. If your employer offers advice or steps to take, it will be good to discuss this with the professionals at David & Philpot Personal Injury Law.
Although a truck accident can be a life-altering and traumatic event, these are good steps you can take to help you start the path to recovery physically, emotionally, and professionally.
Understanding the Risks of Truck Accidents
When you’re in an accident with a truck, the damage is likely to be severe. The sheer size of trucks and the weight of their cargo make them dangerous vehicles on the road. In fact, when they collide with smaller vehicles, they may leave those vehicles completely wrecked. Many types of truck accidents can cause injury or death. There are many reasons why truck accidents occur.
These include but are not limited to:
- The driver was distracted by a mobile device, radio, or something else inside the vehicle
- The driver was fatigued and fell asleep at the wheel
- The truck had faulty brakes or other unsafe equipment
- A vehicle or pedestrian ran a red traffic light or stop sign, which caused the truck driver to swerve and lose control of their vehicle
- The truck driver failed to see another vehicle due to bad weather conditions
- The driver was impaired by alcohol or drugs, whether legal or illegal
Our truck accident attorney has experience dealing with insurance companies in these cases and knows how to get you compensation after you’ve been injured by a truck accident.
The Aftermath of a Truck Accident
As with any personal injury case, if you have been involved in an accident with a commercial truck, there are many different issues that you need to consider. We will be able to help you make sense of the legal process and determine which issues are most important to your case
To win a case against a company that employs large commercial trucks, you will need to prove negligence on their part. This means showing that they either caused your injury or contributed to it in some way. For example, if the driver of the truck was texting at the time of the accident, this would demonstrate negligence on their part. If your injuries were caused by a defect in the vehicle, then you may also have a claim against the manufacturer.
If your injuries were caused by another driver who was negligent in causing the accident, then you do not necessarily need an attorney to represent you.
A truck accident attorney in Orlando knows that the United States has millions of trucks driving on its roads carrying freight, produce, and other goods from place to place. Trucks are a very necessary transportation service to bolster the economy and for businesses to be able to trade their goods at a fast pace. The nature of this job though is difficult for truck drivers. This is due to the many hours that they need to be on the road and the complete focus that they must exhibit at all times. Unfortunately, accidents can and do happen when the focus is lost, or other issues arise like bad weather or maintenance issues leading to an accident.
If you have been in a truck accident, then you will understand the severity of what can happen when these accidents occur. Many times, these accidents can cause significant damage and potentially serious injuries. A good attorney can fight for you and help you recover what was taken from you due to the accident. We can help you receive compensation for the pain and suffering that you deserve.
Why Accidents Happen
Accidents can happen for a variety of different reasons. We will tell you that one of the most common reasons for a truck accident is a distraction. Truck drivers are prone to driving for many hours at a time for long distances and can become distracted after long hours on the road. Other things that may be out of a truck driver’s control include bad weather, poor roadways, and even maintenance issues the truck has that the driver is unaware of. Oftentimes on trucks, it is said that if a driver cannot see the truck driver’s mirrors, then the truck driver cannot see you.
What You Can Do To Be Safe
There are some important safety precautions that drivers can take to give themselves a greater chance of not being the victim of a truck accident. Leaving adequate spacing between your vehicle and the truck is important to ensure that you are not in any of their blind spots. If the weather is quite windy or wet, then staying as far away from trucks as possible will be in your best interest. Trucks have been known to sway in the wind or have trouble stopping in wet conditions due to their heavy loads.
How Road Rage Can Lead to Truck Accidents
As you travel on a long highway or even a quiet back road, you may notice someone behind you driving aggressively. These erratic actions can cause you to swerve around wildly to avoid him or her and even become involved in an accident with the offending driver.
This phenomenon, commonly called road rage, is the cause of many truck accidents.
- Speeding
Traveling over the speed limit can cause drivers to lose control and crash. This can happen with cars or other trucks since both can easily ram into or cut off a truck that is trying to drive at a normal speed limit.
- Turning Aggressively
When a driver feels overwhelmingly angry, he or she may make quick decisions that can put others in danger. Mere frustration may become a fit of road rage, which can manifest in someone else tailgating you or swerving too closely to your truck and forcing you to turn suddenly to avoid being hit.
This encounter can end with your truck jackknifing or being run off the road. Not only can this lead to expensive repairs, but it can also lead to serious injuries.
- Blocking Merges
When on a highway, trucks often have a hard time merging into the lane. Their length and handling can leave them at a disadvantage if other vehicles do not let them merge. Someone with road rage may take his or her aggression out on you by slowing down or refusing to let you into a space.
He or she may also not allow you to make turns or give you the proper space you need to exit the road. This kind of behavior can sometimes cause a severe truck accident in only a matter of seconds.
- Braking Suddenly
Another common issue some truck drivers encounter is a car driving ahead of them that brakes without warning. This person may be trying to express anger or endanger you, which can cause a crash since trucks cannot stop as quickly as cars or other smaller vehicles.
Orlando Truck Accident Infographic
Orlando Truck Accident Statistics
According to national statistics, there are approximately 10,000 truck accidents in the state of Florida each year. Approximately 300 Floridians die in these crashes, while another 3,000 are left with serious injuries.
Survivors of truck accidents are often left with catastrophic injuries and the financial impact on families can be devastating. If you or a loved one has been injured, contact our office to find out what type of financial compensation you may be entitled to.
Orlando Truck Accident FAQs
What is a truck accident attorney?
A truck accident lawyer is a personal injury attorney who specializes in cases involving accidents caused by commercial trucks and tractor-trailers. These large vehicles are much more dangerous than regular cars, so when they’re involved in collisions, it often results in serious injuries and fatalities.
Truck accident attorneys are experts at protecting the rights of people injured in these crashes. They know the law surrounding trucking accidents, the insurance claims process, and how to negotiate with insurance companies.
What does a truck accident lawyer do?
Trucking companies and their insurance carriers have teams of lawyers, investigators, and experts working aggressively to protect their interests. Our experienced truck accident lawyers will level the playing field, fighting to protect your rights, your health, and your future.
A truck accident attorney will be able to help you in the event of a truck accident. If you were involved in an accident with a truck, whether as a pedestrian, passenger, or driver of another vehicle, you may be dealing with catastrophic injuries. This is because the size and weight of trucks mean that any crash can be devastating.
Contact Our Orlando Truck Accident Attorney Today
Hiring a truck accident lawyer may seem like an unnecessary expense when you are already dealing with the high cost of medical care, missed work, and pain and suffering after a crash. However, working with an experienced personal injury lawyer is important if you want to recover full compensation for your losses.
David & Philpot, P.L. understands the devastating physical and emotional effects of a truck accident. We know those truck accidents can result in injuries that affect you for years or even the rest of your life. Our attorneys have experience representing clients who were seriously injured in a truck accident as well as families who lost loved ones in fatal crashes. We are committed to helping victims of truck accidents seek compensation and justice after a crash. Our experienced truck accident attorney in Orlando, FL will aggressively fight for the maximum compensation possible for you or your family member’s injuries. Call today to schedule your free consultation.