Don’t make these mistakes when choosing a personal injury attorney. Obtaining fair compensation for your injuries requires you to choose the right personal injury attorney. Plaintiffs in personal injury lawsuits often overlook this very important aspect of litigation, sometimes with disastrous results. There are three common mistakes people make when deciding on the right attorney that should be avoided if you are to obtain a favorable outcome. Here are some common mistakes you must be… read more →
Truck accidents are among the most dangerous and complex accidents you will ever encounter. The process of determining negligence and proving liability is a complicated one that can involve a number of things, one of which is accident reconstruction. Truck accident reconstruction is important for a number of reasons, and may increase your odds of a fair settlement if performed correctly. Filling in Gaps on Truck Accident Cases The cause of a truck accident may… read more →
Orlando Truck Accident Attorney Resources If you have recently been injured in a trucking accident, you may be wondering what kind of settlement you can expect. Several things go into determining what a truck accident case is worth, which is why your settlement may vary greatly from that of another client’s. Categories of Damage on Truck Accident Cases Juries may award actual damages in four different categories: • Incurred medical expenses • Future medical expenses… read more →
Recent research reveals Tort Reform does not negatively effect health care costs Those who are concerned with rising health care costs often advocate for tort reform, claiming it will make health care more affordable by reducing frivolous lawsuits. Some even claim that tort reform will increase the number of doctors in a given area, since physicians are naturally drawn to regions where they feel protected. A study performed in Texas shows there may not actually… read more →
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), semi trucks require three times the stopping distance of an automobile, and are five times as likely to cause serious injury or death during an accident. As such, numerous regulations govern commercial trucks, making an accident case far more complex than one involving an automobile. Here are a few regulations an Orlando truck accident lawyer may review to determine if there has been negligence on the… read more →