Out of the top ten states with the worst drivers, four were in the southeast and Florida was ranked number one, according to a recent study. Researchers looked at DUIs, deaths, tickets and the percentage of people with auto insurance in order to determine the country’s most dangerous states for driving. Florida ranked first, followed closely by Mississippi, Oklahoma and New Jersey. What Makes Florida Number One in Dangerous Drivers? Experts cite a number of… read more →
Have You Checked For Recalls Lately? It may be tempting to ignore that recall notice, but it can be a deadly mistake. According to recent reports, there are millions of vehicles currently on the road that are under recall for a variety of reasons. Ignoring a recall warning is not only dangerous but can jeopardize a later claim for damages if you are injured due to a car’s malfunction. Fortunately, checking for recalls on your… read more →
Dog bite claims can raise serious questions for victims. Personal Injury attorney Tim David explains the dog bite claim process in Florida. Dog bites are one of the most common types of personal injuries. Every year, millions of people visit emergency rooms for treatment of dog bites. About half of the victims are children. Dog owners are required by Florida law to maintain control over their animals at all times, so victims of a dog… read more →
Motorcycle riders have a much higher rate of death and serious injury in road accidents than occupants of passenger vehicles. According to federal statistics, motorcycle riders are 35 times more likely to die in a crash than others on the road. While many accidents are caused by the negligence of other drivers, there are things that a motorcycle rider can do to increase his or her safety and avoid serious injuries. How Can I Stay… read more →
Motorcycle accident claims can be a challenge. Personal Injury Attorney Tim David explains what you need to know. Motorcycle accidents occur every day and often lead to serious injuries for victims. Unfortunately, many victims of motorcycle crashes never recover the compensation they deserve because of misunderstandings about liability in these types of accidents. If you have been the victim of a motorcycle crash and need to file a motorcycle accident claim, it is very important… read more →