Next Steps After A Faulty Product Injury

When a product fails to perform safely as promised, you should contact an Orlando, FL product liability lawyer you can trust. At David & Philpot, PL, we’ve helped several of our clients secure million-dollar settlements, and our team has plenty of experience with personal injury cases of all kinds. Now, it’s our turn to help you. Read on to see your next steps:

Understanding Product Liability

Every year, thousands of consumers suffer injuries from defective products ranging from minor household appliances to major automotive components. These injuries can occur due to design flaws, manufacturing defects, or inadequate warnings. Recognizing that the responsibility for these injuries often lies with the manufacturers, distributors, or retailers is the first step in determining how to proceed with your claim.

Immediate Steps To Take Following An Injury

Seek Medical Attention: Your health is the top priority. Before anything else, ensure that you receive the appropriate medical treatment for your injuries. This not only safeguards your health but also provides a medical record that can be crucial should you seek compensation.

Preserve the Product and Evidence: Keep the product that caused the injury, along with any packaging, instructions, and receipts. Do not alter the product after the incident as it serves as crucial evidence in your claim.

Document Everything: Take photos of your injuries and the product that caused them. Write down a detailed account of what happened, including the date, time, and circumstances of the incident. If there were any witnesses, collect their contact information and statements.

Report the Injury: Inform the manufacturer or retailer about the injury. This can be done through their customer service department. Reporting the injury not only puts the manufacturer on notice but also helps to ensure that future consumers might be protected from similar harm.

Understanding Your Legal Rights

Consumers have the right to expect that the products they purchase are safe when used as intended. When this expectation is not met, and an injury occurs, legal avenues are available to seek compensation for damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. This process can be complex, as it involves proving that the product was indeed defective and that this defect directly caused the injury.

The Importance Of Seeking Legal Guidance

While it is possible to initiate a claim on your own, understanding the legal framework and developing a strong case often requires a level of legal expertise that only experienced attorneys can provide. They can help identify all potential sources of liability, gather the necessary evidence, and negotiate with the other parties involved. Furthermore, an attorney can represent your interests in court if a satisfactory settlement cannot be reached.

Continuing Your Recovery

As you recover from your injuries, it’s important to follow all medical advice and attend all follow-up appointments. Your recovery journey may include physical therapy, counseling, or other treatments, depending on the nature of your injuries. Keeping records of all related expenses is crucial for ensuring that you can be fully compensated.

Contact Us Today

If you or a loved one has been injured by a faulty product, you don’t have to deal with the aftermath alone. Contact David & Philpot, PL today, and see how a product liability specialist from our office can help.