Orlando, FL based Brain Injury Attorney
Those who were in an accident and seriously injured due to no fault of their own should speak with our brain injury attorney Orlando, FL as soon as possible for experienced representation. The brain and spinal cord are interconnected and play a vital role in our ability to move and go about our everyday life. When an accident unfolds and causes severe injury and damage, legal counsel may be necessary.
If you or someone you love has the following symptoms, then they may be suffering
from a brain injury and need immediate medical attention:
- Loss of consciousness
- Repeated nausea and vomiting
- Seizures or convulsions
- Dilation of one or both pupils
- Clear fluid coming out of ears or nose
- Trouble waking from sleep or sleeping too long
- Slurred speech
- Forgetfulness of what just happened
Types of Spinal Cord Injuries
The two different kinds of spinal cord injuries are incomplete and complete. Spinal cord injuries that are incomplete mean that the person has some degree of movement or feeling below the point of injury. By comparison, a complete spinal cord injury often entails a loss of function below the injury point. Incomplete injuries can vary in severity, with the location of injury being the influential factor. With an incomplete spinal cord injury, common complications include:
- Central Cord Syndrome: the center of the spinal cord gets injured, and can lead to a loss of function in the arms, but some leg movement has remained.
- Anterior Cord Syndrome: the front of the spinal cord has been injured and usually results in some impaired movement and feeling related to pain, touch, and temperature sensation.
- Posterior Cord Syndrome: damage to the back of the spinal cord, which may cause poor coordination.
- Brown-Sequard Syndrome: when only one side of the spinal cord was injured. A person may have loss of movement on one side of their body with sensations intact, while the other side has a loss of sensation but movement is preserved.
Elements of Proof
A doctor will perform an examination of the patient and use the various areas of the neck and spine to determine the extent of the spinal cord damage. The areas to be assessed will include coccyx (tailbone), sacral (pelvis), thoracic (chest), lumbar (lower back), and cervical (neck). If you have already been seen by a doctor for a spinal cord injury, it will help us evaluate your case if you can obtain copies of your medical documentation related to the injury.
Negligence Causing Brain Injury
If your brain injury was due to the negligence of someone else, then you may be entitled to seek compensation for this personal injury. Doctors are humans and are capable of making mistakes just like anybody else. They may have caused an injury to your brain during an operation or other procedure. While these are generally legitimate personal injury accidents, there are times where these have been proven to have happened out of the negligence of the doctor. The doctor may have been distracted during the procedure or could have had their mind fixated on something entirely different from the procedure itself. During this time of distraction, they may have operated incorrectly resulting in damage.
Other brain injuries may have come from the negligence of someone driving a vehicle that crashed into you or from a slip and fall on the premises of an organization or business. The driver could be found negligent if they were driving recklessly with no respect for the other vehicles around them resulting in a car crash leaving someone with personal injuries that include the brain. As for the injury on the premises of an organization or business, the property owner could be found negligent if they did not meet their guarantee of keeping their premises safe. Businesses and organizations operate on the basis they are supposed to secure things that could obstruct or injure someone and keep their areas safe. Our brain injury lawyer can assist you with understanding how liability impacts your personal injury claim.
Proving Negligence
Proving negligence in a brain injury case is not always the simplest of things to do. This is because there are a series of things that must be proven in order for negligence to be understood to be the main culprit of your brain injury. Attorneys from David & Philpot, P.L. can help you to prove that you or your loved one were injured due to the negligence of a doctor or other party. The main things that you need to prove are:
- Duty standards of Care – For example, a doctor owes their patient a certain standard of care that the medical field has determined.
- Broken Duty – If that standard of care duty has been broken, as evidenced by a subpar care standard for a procedure then the duty has been broken or breached.
- Cause – If the subpar standard of care from the doctor has caused you or your loved one brain damage or pain and suffering.
- Resulting in Damages – That below standard care caused you or your loved one monetary damage or other damages.
Compensation Possibilities for Negligence
Suffering a brain injury that was the result of negligence on behalf of another person or organization may entitle you to receive a large payment for your pain and injury-related expenses. There are a few different things that compensation may cover. The process of securing damages may result in the liable party paying for your lost wages, pain and suffering, medical bills and therapies, and even wrongful death. If negligence has caused you or your loved one harm, then it is your right to be fairly compensated for this unfortunate action.
Any other elements of proof for what happened is encouraged, as the more we know the more we can offer advice based on your unique situation. Our personal injury lawyer can offer legal support and guidance as you or your family member recover from a spinal cord injury.
A brain injury can be extremely traumatic and difficult to live with. If you or someone you love has suffered from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) after an accident then you are well aware of the long-term impact that your injuries will have on your life and your well-being. You know that it won’t be easy. You might even be struggling with providing yourself with basic care, which could result in long-term medical care that can be very expensive.
Living with a TBI could mean that you will need a lot of medical care throughout the rest of your life and that’s why you must recover the maximum compensation for the injuries and suffering that you are enduring because of the accident you were involved in.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that TBI affects 1.4 million people each year across the United States. The CDC also reports that more than 50,000 annual deaths occur due to brain injuries each year, and about 280,000 hospitalizations take place due to TBI complications.
Have you become a victim of a brain injury because of an accident? If so, then you should consider calling and scheduling a consultation with our brain injury lawyer today. Timothy David and Bryce Philpot are experienced trial attorneys and have won numerous verdicts for personal injury victims. Our firm has won millions of dollars in settlements for our clients and are prepared to fight for you. Get started with a free case evaluation.
Brain injuries vary in severity and long-term consequences
Brain Injury Severities
Whether it is due to a car accident, fall, violent act, or sports injury, trauma to the brain can result in varying levels of severity. When there is a blow to the brain, the tissues, cells, and nerves in the skull become injured.
A concussion is usually labeled as a mild brain injury, as the brain cells are temporarily affected, and symptoms are often subtle. More serious injuries result in bruising, bleeding, sheared nerves, and torn tissues, which result in moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries. Those who have been in a serious incident and have more severe injuries should contact our brain injury attorney as there may be long-term legal consequences.
Potential Consequences of Brain Injuries
With mild brain injuries, some common symptoms may include headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, light sensitivity, brief loss of consciousness, mood changes, sleeping issues, and sensory problems. These signs and symptoms typically go away after a week or two.
Someone who suffers from moderate or severe brain injuries, however, should contact David & Philpot Personal Injury Law. These injuries not only have major physical, mental, and emotional symptoms, but even after the acute injury is stabilized, the victim will often have to relearn basic skills and retrain how to function in the real world.
Our Orlando brain injury attorney can discuss some of the physical complications of a moderate to severe injury:
- Seizures
- Continuous vomiting
- Coordination loss
- Infections of the brain and nervous system
- Frequent headaches
- Vertigo
If the brain injury occurred at the base of the skull, there may be additional issues, such as paralysis of facial muscles, hearing loss, double vision, loss of smell, and swallowing problems.
Physical symptoms are not the only issues with brain injuries, as the brain also controls emotions and a person’s mental state. Some common cognitive and emotional complications include:
- Memory issues
- Trouble with problem-solving
- Difficulty paying attention
- Trouble beginning or finishing tasks
- Depression
- Anger
- Verbal outbursts
- Risky behavior
- Communication issues
- Difficulties in social settings
The medical team, has the unfortunate job of telling a patient that complications of moderate and severe brain injuries are long-lasting, if not permanent. A victim will often need to go through various forms of therapies to not only improve physically, but also to retrain the brain and function in society.
The type of rehabilitation a patient needs varies depending on the location and severity of the injury. Some patients will only need rehab for a few months or years after the accident, while others may require life-long therapy. Some examples of specialists a brain injury victim may see include physical therapist, neuropsychologist, social worker, language specialist, occupational therapist, recreational therapist, and vocational counselor.
At David & Philpot Personal Injury Law, our attorneys understand the toll that dealing with a brain injury can have on a victim and the family. Our personal injury lawyer can help you get the necessary legal support and possibly obtain compensation to pay for medical care, rehab, and wage loss.
Types of Brain Injuries and Their Causes
The triggers of brain injuries are wide and varied. It’s even possible to suffer one without being aware of its existence. Symptoms may go ignored, thus causing the problem to worsen. The moment you receive a diagnosis of brain trauma, discuss the possibility of suing with the assistance of our brain injury lawyer.
Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries
When considering whether you are suffering from a TBI, it’s helpful to be aware of the types of brain injuries victims endure. Our compassionate legal team is familiar with the common causes of this type of trauma and how detrimental an injury can be to a victim’s way of life.
A closed head injury happens when blunt force trauma does not go through the skull, yet swelling of the brain develops. Blows from heavy instruments, such as bats, pipes, and bricks, are capable of causing this.
Concussions happen regardless of whether there is a penetration of the skull. They often result from a car accident or rough activity during sports.
Contusions are bruises or bleeding on the brain caused by severe head jolts. Getting punched to the ground can cause this sort of harm. It is work consulting your legal options with our personal injury attorney after you have been assaulted.
Penetrating brain injuries are the most serious, as they involve a foreign object, such as a knife or bullet, entering and damaging the cerebellum. Alternatively, they’re known as open head injuries.
Since children’s skulls are still developing, they are especially vulnerable to brain injuries. Their heads are so soft that hard shaking may cause permanent damage.
Types of Acquired Injuries
Some brain injuries occur because of medical issues. Physicians can still be held responsible if they are guilty of incompetence. Under these circumstances, you may want to hire our injury attorney to determine if you have grounds to file a medical malpractice claim.
Strokes happen when there is a loss of blood flow to the brain. Blood clots are a common trigger. Your physician may be able to warn you if there’s a strong chance you could develop either.
Tumors are particularly troublesome, especially when they’re cancerous. Even if yours is benign, removing it may be necessary.
Infections can be deadly. Conditions such as meningitis can come on slowly and sometimes go undetected. Once they enter the brain, there is great potential for medical catastrophe.
Why Choose Our Brain Injury Attorney
Brain injuries can have serious consequences on a person’s cognitive, behavioral, and emotional health. That is why having our brain injury lawyer to help you establish negligence caused by the at-fault party will help you receive your entitled compensation.
David & Philpot, P.L. was founded in 1988 to help injured victims of vehicle accidents, nursing home abuse, and malpractice. We provide vigorous representation to our clients that we know they are proud of. We have decades of knowledge and experience and we will be happy to answer any of your questions that you might have about your case. We will always keep you as informed as possible so you know what to expect every step of the way.
Fighting for our clients is what we do best. We understand how difficult it is to live with an injury. It can be tolling on your physical and mental health. Not to mention, the financial uncertainty that you could be faced with when readjusting your life because of your injury. We work with our clients to get any compensation that they deserve to help them live a fulfilling life.
Our team will work hard on your case to so that you are satisfied with the outcome. You can count on us that you will receive the best possible representation.
Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation Today
If you need a brain injury attorney in Orlando, FL, contact our personal injury firm to schedule your free and confidential consultation.
Orlando Brain Injury Infographic
Reasons You Need a Brain Injury Attorney
If you have suffered a brain injury due to the negligence of someone else, then it is important that you seek out the right legal help. There are many reasons why you need our personal injury lawyer to represent your case. Below are some of those reasons:
We understand how to deal with insurance companies.
Insurance companies are there to protect the interest of their clients, but they also want to save money by paying out as little as possible. Our experienced brain injury attorney understands how insurance companies work and can get you the compensation that you deserve.
We know how to handle a personal injury case.
Our brain injury lawyer knows what to do when it comes to getting you the compensation that you deserve for your injuries. We deal with insurance companies, doctors and other medical professionals on a regular basis and know how to get things done quickly and efficiently so that you can get the best treatment possible for your injuries.
We have experience dealing with traumatic brain injuries (TBI).
TBIs can be difficult to prove in court because they often involve multiple symptoms and factors that can cause them. Our personal injury lawyer who deals with this type of injury claim on a regular basis will be able to help you identify these symptoms and prove your case if your personal injury claim goes to trial.
What is a Brain Injury?
A brain injury can be traumatic or non-traumatic. A traumatic brain injury occurs when an external force causes trauma to the head and results in damage to the brain. A non-traumatic brain injury is caused by internal forces that result in damage to the brain. These types of injuries are also known as “acquired” or “closed” head injuries.
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) are characterized by open and closed wounds and include skull fractures, hemorrhages, concussions, contusions, lacerations, and nerve damage. The symptoms associated with TBIs may not show up immediately after an accident or be misdiagnosed by doctors and emergency room personnel who fail to recognize the seriousness of your condition or fail to properly diagnose your condition at all.
The Difference between Brain Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury
The difference between brain injury and TBI is how the brain was injured. A TBI results from a blunt force trauma to the head. Brain injuries, on the other hand, include all other types of brain injuries, such as lack of oxygen to the brain or exposure to harmful substances that lead to disease in the brain.
Although both types of injuries are common, TBIs are more common than other forms of brain injury because they often result from car accidents and falls.
A person can survive a TBI depending on how severe they are and how quickly they’re treated. However, even mild ones can have lifelong consequences if they aren’t addressed properly. When someone suffers from a TBI, it’s important to seek medical attention right away, as well as follow up with your doctor as recommended, even if you don’t experience any symptoms initially. You should also consider contacting our experienced Orlando brain injury attorney.
A Brain Injury Lawyer Can Help
Your brain is the most important part of your body. It controls everything, from your most basic bodily functions to your ability to think and reason. If anything happens to it, you can suffer debilitating injuries that can last for the rest of your life. Many people who suffer a brain injury don’t realize how much they need legal help until they’re way over their heads.
If you have suffered a brain injury, you may be entitled to legal compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. Our skilled brain injury lawyer can help you understand your rights and pursue all available legal options for recovery.
Getting Compensation For Medical Bills
Your medical bills after suffering a brain injury can be substantial — especially if you have long-term care needs like rehabilitation or home care services. You might be able to get compensation from the person who caused your injury through a personal injury claim, but it’s not always easy. Our TBI attorney can take care of all the details for you and mediate with insurance companies on your behalf.
If you’re unable to work because of your injury — even for just a few weeks — it could cause severe financial hardship for you and your family. Getting compensated for those lost wages takes some work, but our attorney can handle everything for you, including submitting documentation and talking to employers.
Brain Injury Can Have Many Long-Term Effects
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a complicated injury with a broad range of symptoms and disabilities. TBI can result when the head suddenly and violently hits an object or when an object pierces the skull and enters brain tissue. Mild TBI injuries can cause temporary dysfunction of brain cells. More serious traumatic brain injuries can result in bruising, torn tissues, bleeding, and other physical damage to the brain that can result in long-term complications or death.
While any type of brain injury should not be taken lightly, closed head injuries tend to cause more serious long-term damage than other types. These injuries can result in short- and long-term memory loss, cognitive impairment, personality changes and depression (among other things). Not only do these conditions affect the victim’s quality of life but they can also make it difficult for them to obtain gainful employment.
If you or a loved one has suffered traumatic brain injury as the result of someone else’s negligent actions, it is important that you seek legal counsel for representation in court. You need our TBI lawyer who has the experience, resources, and skill to handle tough brain injury cases.
David & Philpot, P.L. is an experienced personal injury law firm that has handled numerous cases involving traumatic brain injuries (TBI). We have the knowledge and resources to handle even the most complicated brain injury cases.
Our team of brain injury attorneys works together on every case, combining our experience, skills, and resources to build a strong case for each client we represent. We take a collaborative approach to work on every lawsuit because it helps us provide better service to our clients and get them the best possible results in their cases.
We are here to fight for you. Don’t delay in taking steps to recover the damages you deserve. Schedule your free legal consultation today.